Family Meetings: Your Most Powerful Parenting Tool

Family Meetings: Your Most Powerful Parenting Tool

How many of you feel confident in the workplace only to melt in to a pile of frustration and fear when it comes to parenting? Why do high functioning managers who lead successful teams come home and turn into autocrats or doormats with their children?

Parenting on Stage: Life as a Role Model

Parenting on Stage: Life as a Role Model

Wondering how to be a role model for your child? Surprise! You already are. All parents are the most significant role models our children will have in life. The choice is up to us as to what kind of role model we would like to be. They are always watching us, whether we are aware of it our not. They are storing away our responses as clues to how they should respond when in a similar situation.

10 Parenting Tips, 10 Words or Less

10 Parenting Tips, 10 Words or Less

For those of you who are regular readers of my blog, I'm sure you are aware brevity is not my forte. In fact, some of my posts are so long I’ve been asked if they are actually novels in disguise.

When it comes to communicating with children though, grownups often make the mistake of doing too much talking. In trying to get our point across, and be understood, we tend to go on in our rationalizing, lecturing, and explaining, hoping they will finally see our point and agree we are right.

The Power Of Not Right Now

The Power Of Not Right Now

I recently came home from teaching the final class of a four-week Positive Discipline series, and fell on the couch in a heap of tears. I blew it. I screwed up. I started to tear into myself about how I could mess up something I do so often; and until that moment thought I did pretty well.

Daddy Do It! What To Do When Our Kids Play Favorites

Daddy Do It! What To Do When Our Kids Play Favorites

On occasion, we answer reader questions on our blog. We choose questions based on the issues we frequently hear about from families we work with. In today’s post, I answer a reader’s question about their little one preferring one parent over the other.

Audio: Joyful Courage Interview

Audio: Joyful Courage Interview

What's your parenting style? Listen in as Sarina Natkin chats with Casey O'Roarty of Joyful Courage about the way we parent and how to shift your style. Click the image or link below to listen.

Joyful Courage Podcast #26: Exploring Parenting Styles With Sarina Behar Natkin

Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Making Mistakes

Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Making Mistakes

What Children Learn:

Teachers often introduce a discussion about mistakes by showing the children an empty glass and a pitcher of water. As the teacher is talking and looking at students, she pours the water but misses the glass. This usually produces a big laugh from kids. She then asks, “Did I make a mistake or am I a mistake?” This can also be done by making a poster with a mistake on it, or any other mistake that will be obvious to others.

Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Calm Down Strategies

Positive Discipline in the Classroom: Calm Down Strategies

In both schools and parenting classes, one of the earliest tools we teach is how to calm down when emotions are high. Regulating emotions is one of the most important skills we can develop, as without it, we would rarely be able to solve the problem that upset us in the first place.

5 Switch Witch Alternatives For Halloween

5 Switch Witch Alternatives For Halloween

In case parenting during Halloween is new to you and your family, let me fill you in on the latest trend in candy management. Gone are the days when kids roam free, feeling safe in their neighborhoods and enjoying the pure bliss of securing a mountain of candy. If you thought your kid’s friends would be over for an hour of post trick or treating candy trading, you might be in for a surprise. Instead, a “nice” witch sneaks in, steals your child’s candy, and replaces it with a toy or game.

A Way Out Of Whining

A Way Out Of Whining

Is there any sound more annoying than endless hours of whining? Apparently not! A 2011 study published in the Journal of Social, Evolutionary, and Cultural Psychology found that whining distracts people more than listening to a high pitched chain saw. Performance on tasks and attention decreased more with whining than any other noise they played. Across the board, men, women, parents, and non-parents were equally irritated by the noise, even when the words were in a foreign language. It is a good thing our kiddos are cute!

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Ending Drop-off Drama

Should I Stay or Should I Go: Ending Drop-off Drama

As each school year starts, I notice many parents struggling with how to handle morning drop offs. Children are often in tears; and parents, unsure of what to do, shift rapidly between both frustration and guilt.

Money & Kids: What’s A Parent To Do?

Money & Kids: What’s A Parent To Do?

“Mommy, I want that one!” “I have to have the new Ninjago set!” “You’re mean for not getting me those Pokemon cards.” “Every kid at school has an American Girl doll except for me!” A simple trip to the store can become a minefield when you cross into the toy section with a young child. We may vacillate between giving in to the request or denying it, but often without any deep thought or introspection about how and what we want to teach our children about money. Many of us well-meaning parents can get a bit flummoxed when it comes to dealing with money and kids.

Meditations For Busy Parents

Meditations For Busy Parents

Many of us have the intention to parent mindfully, but our lives are busy and we get swept along with the tide of action and doing. Meditation helps remind a parent to slow down, to notice the world around her, as well as to notice what is going on in her own mind, heart, and body. Perhaps meditation’s finest gift though is the ability to learn about yourself—what agitates you, inspires you, soothes you? You can then take these lessons into your daily life, helping to enrich your relationships in the process. My intent with this article is to give parents some simple ways to introduce a meditation practice into their daily lives.

Audio: Kids & Restaurants

Audio: Kids & Restaurants

If you tuned in to the news this week, you likely heard about the cry heard around the world. In case you missed it, I am referring to the little one at a restaurant in Maine who cried for forty minutes. I think we can agree crying, is a pretty normal behavior for children. Unfortunately, the restaurant owner had a meltdown of her own and yelled at the baby, causing an international uproar from parents and a rally cry for every person who has ever been annoyed by a crying child disrupting their fun.