Summer Planning– Pandemic Style

Summer Planning– Pandemic Style

When existing summer plans went out the window, the task of figuring out what to do with twelve weeks was a bit daunting. This would be our second time planning these same months, and we were already sad about cancelled camps and travel. Yet summer was rapidly approaching so it was time to get planning.

When Your Kid Says, "I Hate You!"

When Your Kid Says, "I Hate You!"

Remember the days of toddler tantrums? We kindly asked them not to pull the dog’s tail and they responded with a flood of tears and an effort to pull the tail just once more. Luckily a big hug or a quick game of peek-a-boo would help them move on.

Quit Whining & Do Your Chores!

Quit Whining & Do Your Chores!

Can you believe the kids today? Whining and complaining about chores, I just don’t get it. When we were kids, we did all our chores to perfection with a smile on our face and begged our parents to nag just a little bit more, right? I think not. Why then do we expect our kids to be so different from us?

Six Tips For Raising Leaders

Six Tips For Raising Leaders

What do a parent educator and a business leader have in common? Both are actively teaching others the skills needed to inspire, motivate and encourage those around them. My father and I discovered years ago that we speak about the exact same things, just to different audiences. These are not just business leadership skills, they are not just parenting skills, but the skills we all need to thrive as human beings

The Power Of Encouragement

The Power Of Encouragement

One of the biggest gifts we can give to our children, our parents, and all those we lead is encouragement. Life is hard. It's full of challenges, bumps in the road, and painful moments. Most of us think our problems are unique. "No one could ever understand how scared I am." "No one can get how important this is to me."

How 2000 Teens Changed My Life

How 2000 Teens Changed My Life

Do you ever have those moments in life when you can feel yourself growing? An experience surprises us, a connection inspires us, and we get the sense that we will never be the same. And it’s a good thing.

I had one of those amazing moments, actually several of them recently, and I bet the place they occurred will surprise you: 4 days with 2000 teens.