Toy Troubles: My Toddler Won’t Help Clean Up!

Toy Troubles: My Toddler Won’t Help Clean Up!

You and your child have had a blast building a tower of blocks. Clean up time comes and you ask for some help putting the blocks away. Next thing you know, your calm cutie is gearing up for a major melt down. Sound familiar?

Crazy Time: A Solution For Bedtimes Gone Wild!

Crazy Time: A Solution For Bedtimes Gone Wild!

Its bedtime, you have followed your routine; your little one is settled in bed and its time to snuggle. Snuggling turns in to tickling, followed by laughter and before you know it your little one is very wound up instead of winding down for sleep.

The Bedtime Dance

The Bedtime Dance

We all know the drill. It’s been a long day, everyone is tired and it’s time for the kids to go to bed. Every step of the process feels like herding cats. Once there is more than one child in the home, the steps to this dance become even more complex. It makes tired parents want to hop up on a horse and lasso those kiddos right in to bed!

Why I love Positive Discipline

Why I love Positive Discipline

For those who have read my previous posts, you know I am a huge fan of Positive Discipline. I had heard of the model before having children, but didn't really dive in to deeper learning until I became a parent.